Understanding Thermal Expansion

Addressing thermal expansion proactively can help avoid costly repairs and prevent damage before it occurs. Read to learn how to manage thermal expansion alerts from your smart water security system!

Understanding Thermal Expansion
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Beagle Services
October 21, 2024

Thermal expansion is a natural process within plumbing systems, making it essential to understand and manage effectively for both homeowners and insurance providers. As your trusted water security partner, we put this together to help you better understand thermal expansion and how to manage it! For help with addressing Thermal Expansion alerts in your smart water app, see more targeted help here in this article.

What Is Thermal Expansion? 

Most modern homes maintain essential water quality by virtue of a closed plumbing system – these systems are configured in such a way to prevent backflow and ensure water flows in the right direction (from the source to the drain, and not in the other direction). 

Most modern homes also enjoy hot water. When water heats up and expands in a closed plumbing system, there is an increase in volume – an expansion tank is usually installed on a water heater (tank, tankless) to have the capacity to hold this expansion. Without an expansion tank, the resulting pressure has nowhere to escape to and cause strain that can affect everything from the actual pipes to plumbing fixtures, especially water heaters. 

Think about high pressure in a plumbing system similar to high pressure in the body; there is a safe level to stay between (industry standards recommend pressure to maintain somewhere between 31-79 PSI). Your automatic water shutoff valve or Watchdog, may be sending alerts related to thermal expansion or high pressure when the water is turned off or when testing nightly for small leaks. 

The solution? You probably need an expansion tank. Learn more about thermal expansion below and schedule service online with a Beagle plumber if you are receiving alerts or need installation! 

When Does Thermal Expansion Occur & Why Does It Matter?

Thermal expansion occurs when water heats up and expands, increasing its volume and pressure within your plumbing system. When this happens, the excess water pressure has no place to escape. High pressure as a result of thermal expansion, over time can lead to:

  • Leaking and Burst Pipes: High pressure can weaken pipes, especially at joints and connections, leading to leaks that may go undetected behind walls or under floors.
  • Damaged Fixtures and Appliances: Fixtures like showerheads and faucets are designed to handle specific pressure levels. If exceeded, they may malfunction, leading to costly repairs or replacements.
  • Water Heater Risks: Unchecked thermal expansion can damage your water heater's internal components, reducing efficiency and lifespan. In severe cases, it may cause the pressure relief valve to fail, risking significant water damage or safety hazards.

Addressing thermal expansion proactively can help avoid costly repairs and prevent damage before it occurs. Implementing solutions such as automatic water shutoff valves, thermal expansion tanks and pressure-reducing valves work to ensure that pressure is maintained at a safe level (between 31-79 PSI). Smart water devices like automatic water shutoff valves can alert you to thermal expansion and allow you to test for its presence, in real-time. See more below on how to manage thermal expansion alerts from your smart water security system!

5 Actions Homeowners Can Take

If you suspect or have been alerted to thermal expansion in your home, here are actionable steps to protect your plumbing:

  1. Get Alerted to Thermal Expansion and High Pressure
    Smart water automatic shutoff valves can monitor pressure on the supply line, and alert you as often as daily to the presence of thermal expansion, if present in your plumbing system. It can also result in more ambiguous ways, such as pressure or leak alerts. Either way, you can be alerted about it as soon as it happens with the device monitoring pressure in real-time. Beagle Services installs these devices every day across the country, trusted by many of the nation's top carriers.
  1. Contact Beagle’s Watchdog for Next Steps - Guided Support
    If you have questions about your alerts, we recommend linking your device to Watchdog, so we (Beagle Services) can best help you identify next steps specific to your plumbing system! Watchdog is Beagle’s post-installation support service that includes 24/7 active monitoring with actionable alert CTAs and enhanced alert support from our team of water security experts. You can learn more and activate in minutes, here.
  2. Install a Thermal Expansion Tank
    A thermal expansion tank is the most effective way to manage the pressure buildup from expanding water. Installed on the cold-water supply line of your water heater, the tank absorbs the extra volume, preventing stress on pipes and appliances. Beagle Services can help you choose the right size and type for your home, and install it if we are in your area (to find out, please email us: solutions@beagleservices.com).
  3. Check Your Water Heater Settings
    High water temperatures can accelerate thermal expansion. Ensure your water heater is set to a safe temperature, usually around 120°F, to reduce pressure and extend the life of your plumbing system. Regular maintenance and monitoring of your water heater can help prevent expansion-related issues (Watchdog comes with 1 Annual Property Check  (no-charge) visit, which involves safety checking your water heater(s); this service is available in regions with a Beagle Plumber)
  4. Install a Pressure-Reducing Valve (PRV)
    PRVs work alongside thermal expansion tanks to maintain safe pressure levels throughout your system. They help regulate the water pressure entering your home, ensuring that thermal expansion doesn’t lead to damage. If you need service to install or inspect your property’s existing PRV, you can schedule service online with a Beagle Plumber and save 10% (+) if you have Watchdog.

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Beagle Services

Beagle is your trusted water security partner.
We are experts in water monitoring and leak detection technology that is rapidly expanding through private and governmental incentives.