Call 1-844-823-2453 or contact your regional dispatch number if you are a returning customer to get started.You can also schedule your own appointment online from our website.
Contacting the manufacturer may be necessary for questions about the device functionality, app account access, warranty, etc.
Flo by Moen, (844) 633-8356
Monday - Friday, 8am-7pm EST
Saturday, 8am-8pm EST
Link to technical support
Phyn, (877) 749-6792
Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm PST
Link to technical support
Leak Defense, (866) 410-1134 ext. 2
Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm PST
Link to technical support
Streamlabs, (877) 587-2555 ext. 2
Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm PST
Link to technical support
FloLogic, (877) 356-5644
(Beagle is unsure of weekend availability), 9am-5pm PST
Using the FloLogic App (Video)
We would love to help you with this, however we are not the best resource to assist you with regaining access to your account. Please contact the manufacturer for direct assistance.
Look for your system's Away Mode setting that will enable the system to protect your home with greater urgency and a more immediate response to water running in the home.
- If you have a Phyn valve, go here.
- If you have a Flo by Moen valve:
Steps in the APP:
1. On the bottom left Menu, choose the Home Icon.
2. Near the top-right of the screen, there is a smaller dark icon reflecting the current mode (“Home” has a house, "Away" has a clock, "Sleep" has ZZZs). Tap the icon and a drop-down menu will appear.
3. You will see an option for “Away” that you can use to activate Away Mode.
If you have a Leak Defense System (LDS):
Steps in Control Panel:
Looking at your Control Panel, the highlighted box indicates what mode you are currently in. When the HOME button is highlighted, press the AWAY button to activate Away Mode. Follow steps required on the control panel to complete setup. If you have a set schedule for your Scenes, you will see a “Scene Scheduling” icon indicating that one is running.
Steps for Online Access:
1. Go to
2. Sign in or register for online access.
3. Once signed in, select the “Settings” gear icon above the water droplet. Switch to “Away” mode. Additionally, you can set a custom schedule for “Home” and Away” with (“Scene Schedule”).
Remember to activate your system's standby mode to avoid unwanted shutoffs when you have guests using more water than your system is likely used to.
Warning: Standby modes prevent the system from being able to send you alerts or enable the automatic water shutoff feature, and can be set for up to 24 hours. It may be appropriate for a few hours for example if hosting guests.
If you have a Phyn valve, go here.
If you have a Flo by Moen valve:
Steps in the APP:
1. On the bottom left Menu, choose the Home Icon.
2. Near the top-right of the screen, there is a smaller dark icon reflecting the current mode (“Home” has a house, "Away" has a clock, "Sleep" has ZZZs). Tap the icon and a drop-down menu will appear.
3. You will see an option for “Sleep” that you can use to activate Sleep Mode.
If you have a Leak Defense System (LDS) valve:
Leak Defense System refers to modes as “Scenes”.
Steps in Control Panel:
Looking at your Control Panel, choose STANDBY to activate this mode. Follow steps required on the control panel to complete setup. You can set the “Time to Alarm” to set the time remaining for Standby Mode.
Steps for Online Access:
1. Go to
2. Sign in or register for online access.
3. Once signed in, select the “Settings” gear icon above the water droplet. Switch to “Standby” mode. You can set the “Time to Alarm” to set the time for Standby Mode to remain active (possible up to 48 hours).
If you are certain there is not a leak present that is causing the valve to shut off the water, here are ways you can help the device continue to learn your water usage habits.
If you have a Phyn or Flo by Moen valve,
These devices use machine-learning technology to establish a learned series of baseline thresholds for what typical water usage is at the property monitored. After initial installation upon WiFi activation, the device enters its initial learning period whereby all alerts and the automatic water shutoff feature are disabled. This enables the device to learn through watching “water events”. If you imagine turning on a faucet and closing it after a few seconds, that stream of water counts as one water event. By watching your water events without interruption, the device learns what the typical water usage is to establish a baseline series of parameters for “Home Mode”. This information is then used to categorize flow rates that are “in” or “out” of range to protect your home; if there is continuous flow considered out of range, the device will enable the automatic water shutoff feature to protect the home. However, if the system is in “Away” Mode then the system will turn off the water much faster upon detecting water use.
The system does not stop learning once Learning Mode is completed. The valve will continue to learn based on future water events. Jump to “How does the device continue learning after the initial learning period?” for more information on how this works.
If you have a Leak Defense System,
Unlike a machine-learning device, the Leak Defense System’s automatic water shutoff is enabled if water flows outside a set of clearly established time-bound parameters. During installation, the system settings are configured to allow for water to run for “X” amount of time (“minutes”) depending on if the system is in “Home” or “Away” mode.
When in “Home” mode, a warning alarm will occur if water is running longer than the allowed duration. While the system sends you this alert, it also turns off the water for 30 seconds so that it can re-open to check if water is still flowing; if water is still flowing, then the system will turn off the water to the home and alert you to the potential leak. When in “Away” mode, the system will skip over the “warning” and immediately act to shut off the water to protect the home if the allowed time for running water is exceeded.
Note: This question applies to machine-learning-based devices including Phyn and Flo by Moen.
The device learns continuously after completing its initial learning period, by watching and categorizing each water event completed. If you imagine turning on a faucet and closing it after a few seconds, that stream of water counts as one water event. The device is only able to learn by watching your water events completely, without interruption. If the automatic water shutoff is enabled in response to a high- or low-flow water event, the device will be unable to learn about that water event because the learning was interrupted by the valve closing. The best way to help the device learn new water events is to make sure that it watches the entire event.
There are a few ways you can do this:
-When a warning alert is sent before shutting off the water, you can respond in the app to permit the water flow and prevent the shutoff. That way, the valve can watch the entire water event and learn from it.
- For Flo by Moen, you can utilize Sleep Mode that disables the automatic shutoff feature temporarily. This allows the system to sit back and watch water events to learn from them.
- For Phyn, go here for more specific information and assistance from the manufacturer.
A pressure-reducing valve can be installed on your main water supply line to help maintain a consistent and safe pressure for your home’s plumbing system and appliances. If you already have one, it may need a second look for proper functioning. Contact Beagle or schedule an appointment online with one of our Pros!
- If you have a Phyn valve, go here.
- If you have a Flo by Moen valve, go here.
If you have a Leak Defense System (LDS) valve:
1. First, check to make sure that there is not an active leak.→ Steps in Control Panel: Press “Silence” to silence the alarm sound while you check for leaks.
2. Once you have determined if the shutoff occurred in response to an active leak or if it occurred as a result of actual water usage,
Steps in Control Panel:
1. Press “Clear Alarm” to turn off alarm sound.
2. Tap WATER to turn the water back on.
3. Follow steps required on the control panel to complete setup.
If you have a Phyn or Flo by Moen valve, you can help the device continue learning most effectively by interacting with the app. With machine-learning devices, there are a combination of factors at work when the system enables the automatic water shutoff feature. Responding in the app will help the device learn new water usage events and fixture activity. In another section, we go into greater detail on how these types of devices learn initially and continuously over time.
- For more about this specifically for Phyn, go here.
- If you have a Flo by Moen valve,
On the main Device homepage, a critical alert may be displayed at the top of the page. You can tap this alert for more information or guidance from the manufacturer on how to resolve it. If you are unable to resolve the alert, i.e., because you have a leak, please contact Beagle or your local plumber for help!
If you have a Leak Defense System, you can adjust the settings to allow for additional time / increase the allowed duration in both Home and Away Mode.
There are two primary ways to adjust these settings:
1. Increase the Time to Alarm. Tapping the “Time to Alarm” icon allows you to set the amount of time water can flow before the Leak Defense alarms in either the Home or Away Scene. Enter the time in minutes (can be set from 1 minute to 4 hours (240 minutes)).
2. Increasing the Trip Rate. Tapping the Trip Rate icon allows you to set the percentage amount of water that can flow before the Leak Defense begins its Alarm Countdown (to shut off).This may be particularly helpful to avoid alerts that are caused by humidifiers, icemakers, or under-sink reverse osmosis (RO) systems. (According to the manufacturer, the factory default setting is 10%)
NOTE: Increasing the Trip Rate will make the system less sensitive to smaller leaks.
Usually, this alert comes from systems that utilize machine-learning technology like Phyn or Flo by Moen. You likely received the “Resolved” message because the water event that your system was warning you about ended. If your system did not shut off and “resolved” the alert on its own, this is a good sign that your system is learning and will continue to learn this and similar water events. It may take a few attempts for the system to learn new water usage activity after its initial learning period is completed.
- If you have a Phyn valve, go here. If you have Watchdog, contact Beagle for direct support from a Beagle Expert.
- If you have a Flo by Moen valve, go here. If you have Watchdog, contact Beagle direct support from a Beagle Expert.
Unfortunately, the alert does not indicate wher the source of pressure loss is coming from. If you have Watchdog, ask or schedule service for Beagle to help!
Note: This question applies to machine-learning-based devices including Phyn and Flo by Moen.
The device may need help learning this new water event! You may also be able to set up a schedule in the app to override the automatic shutoff feature during a specified time.
-If you have a Phyn valve, the device will need to observe the water event completely to learn it and expand the parameters learned for initiating the automatic shutoff response. The manufacturer has information on learn how to help the valve learn here and we also provide insight elsewhere (here) on this page. If you would like support from a Beagle Plumber on site to reset your device or to help on-site, please schedule service online our contact our office!
-If you have a Flo by Moen valve, you can help the device learn (more information about this lives elsewhere on this page and from the manufacturer) or you can create a "Manual Override" in the Flo by Moen app. Please see step-by-step instructions here on how to set this up provided by the manufacturer: 1) Manual Overrides (general) 2) Manual Overrides for Irrigation 3) Manual Overrides for Water Softeners.
1. If you can isolate the fixture from the rest of the plumbing system, close the angle stop (valve) to prevent water from entering that area to prevent loss.
2. If you can not isolate the fixture, try and contain the water loss to prevent damage. If you can function without water, you can also close the automatic water shutoff valve remotely with the app or manually. To operate your valve, refer to the “My water turned off. How do I turn it back on?” question answered above; the same resources should be able to help you.
3. Contact Beagle to schedule service or your local plumber to fix the leak. With Beagle, you can schedule service easily online or from your Watchdog alert or dashboard.
- If you have a Phyn valve, go here.
- If you have a Flo by Moen valve, go here.
- If you have a Leak Defense System (LDS) valve:
The Leak Defense System is designed to operate without WiFi but checking the system is recommended to ensure proper functionality. Reconnecting requires interacting with the Control Panel. This video is recommended by the manufacturer for assistance.
Yes. If you are unable to operate the valve using your app for any reason, whether there was a loss of power or WiFi or you do not have the app on your smartphone, you always can manually.
- If you have a Phyn valve, go here.
- If you have a Flo by Moen valve, go here.
- If you have a Leak Defense System (LDS) valve:
Steps in Control Panel:
1. Tap WATER to turn the water back on or off, or open/close the valve.
2. Follow steps required on the control panel to complete setup.
If you have Phyn or Flo by Moen:
When the automatic water shutoff valve disconnects from WiFi from a lost connection, it is supposed to automatically reconnect once WiFi is restored (as long as it remains connected to its power source). If it is constantly disconnecting and reconnecting, it may likely be that the WiFi strength in the area where the valve is installed does not maintain consistent WiFi strength.
A WiFi range extender can help maintain consistent WiFi throughout the home and particularly in the area where the valve or sensor is installed. Contact Beagle or schedule your appointment online, if you would like our help with this!
- If you have a Phyn sensor, go here.
- If you have a Flo by Moen sensor:
Steps in the APP:
1. On the bottom left Menu, choose the Home Icon.
2. Under “My Devices”, Tap your sensor to get to the Device Homepage. This screen is dark blue and shows the real-time area humidity and temperature.
3. In the top right corner, tap “Device Settings”.
4. Under the section, “Custom Alert Settings”, slide the scale to adjust the humidity sensitivity threshold.
→ The lower you set the "Below" amount to, the less alerts you should receive for "Low Humidity".
→ The higher you set the "Above" amount to, the less alerts you should receive for "High Humidity".
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Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur quis nostrud exercitation.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur quis nostrud exercitation.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur quis nostrud exercitation.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur quis nostrud exercitation.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur quis nostrud exercitation.